Letra y Significado de UNDER A SERPENT SUN, At The Gates

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Web of corruption thick with deceit
the language of destruction, the slaughter of the meek
Under a serpent sun - we shall all live as one
No rest for the wicked, the children of god
the final retribution, the final curtain torn
within us - the falmes of the end
survival of the fittest, the hunt for the sacred game
Under a serpent sun - we shall all live as one
Children of chaos - born of the holocaust seed
inherit the addiction, angels of genocide breed
within us - the falmes of the end
survival of the fittest, the hunt for the sacred game
Under a serpent sun - we shall all live as one
Sweetfleshed, hellbent creature
artist of the fevered soul
heavenly venomous rapture
stricken numb by fear i fall

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