Letra y Significado de WORLD SALAD, Annihilator

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Closets of my mind destroyed, as i enter outward from a void
corpses white have strapped me down, i rise above then fall
tactual hallucination, cockroaches infest the wall
Psychic pain on ice, i hurt
devoid strength my life, inert
anger fills they're shocked me back
white corpses turn to black
i run on psychic gasoline, my fuel shall burn you all
Word salad, no ballad
word salad, no ballad
Diabolic plot, a toy, my brain the corpses to destroy
prick my arm, injection fed, it's poison, i'm no fool
tetanus shot, be sure it's not, i wish i were at school
closets of my mind destroyed, but i enter inward, black void
hatred turned to apathy, led down this black abyss
good night, farewell you pig from hell, this world i shall not miss
Word salad, no ballad
word salad
Woken up from death, nausea
catatonic stupor, anoxia
remaining still i hold onto a sense of permanence
negativistic fear of pain, algophobic life sentence
moral, physical decay, hatred withered away
scourge of god he makes me pay, i shall not live or die
vegetative judgement passed, my only thought to cry

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Significado de Alison Hell (1 opinión)