Letra y Significado de IN THE BLOOD, Annihilator

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The lamb and the lion - i destroyed you
i tore your world apart
i left the pieces bleeding in the dark
the light and the darkness - come between us
i built a wall of tears
i built it straight through your heart
it's in the blood - running through my veins
the pain inside is driving me insane
i've done it all before and i'll do it again and again
cause it's in the blood - it's in the blood
the dream and the nightmare
lay on the pillow beside you every night
cause what you see is what you get - from me
the light and the darkness - come between us
i built a wall of tears
i built it straight through your heart
it's in the blood - running through my veins
the pain inside is driving me insane
i've done it all before and i'll do it again and again
cause it's in the blood - it's in the blood
deep in my dreams
i'm all you want from me
i'm all of light, i'm electricity
the light and the darkness - come between us

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