Letra y Significado de LIFELINE, Angels & Airwaves

Oh no! Esta misteriosa letra aun no encontro explicación. Si estas acá, podes ser la primer persona que aporte el significado de esta canción. No es necesario registrarse, puede ser anonimo. Hace clic en el botón verde y envianos tu opinión. :)

With an urgent, careful stare,
I see panic in those eyes
If I see you lying there,
Hoping this was the last time
If you hear a distant sound,
And see footsteps by your side.
When the world comes crashing down.
I will find you if you hide.

If you wish it, wish it now.
If you wish it, wish it loud.
If you want it, say it now.
If you want it, say it loud.

We all make mistakes.
And turn it out.
If you want it, I want to.
We all make mistakes.
Here's hold it loud.
You know that I want to

There's a field near the dream.
I watched it grow with brightest eyes.
I watched us all reach out and read.
Feel the strength as we touched the sky.

If you hear a distant sound.
That's my footsteps by your side.
If you feel like coming round.
I will take you for a ride.

If you wish it, wish it now.
If you wish it, wish it loud.
If you want it, say it now.
If you want it, say it loud.

We all make mistakes.
And turn it out.
If you want it, I want to.
We all make mistakes.
Here's hold that loud.
You know that I want to


You know that I want to
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