Letra y Significado de BE MY LOVER, Alice Cooper

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Alice cooper - be my lover
she struts into the room
well i don't know her
but with a magnifying glance
i just sorta look her over
We have a drink or two,..well maybe three
and then suddenly, she starts telling me her life story
She says
baby, if you wanna, be my lover
you better take me home
cuz it's a long long way to paradise
and i'm still on my own.
Told her that i came from detroit city
and i played guitar in a long haired rock and roll band
she asked me why the singer's name was alice
i said listen baby, you really wouldn't understand
And i said
On my own,....
Oh,...baby,.if you wanna,..be my lover,....
you better take me home,.......
cuz it's a long, long way,...to paradise,..
and i'm still on my own,............own,........

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