Letra y Significado de STAND TIGHT, Accept

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My bones are trembling
veins are filled with ice
i see you swagger through
your boots are shiny, too
I still feel your torture
messing up my life
i cannot forget
how you showed me your despise
Deep down in the gravel
i lie and wait for relieve
and i hear the orders you scream
sounds like a choir to me
Stand tight - all right
and assume the position - we all stand together
stand tight - all right
and assume the position - we all stand together
I know i am unconscious
just what you like to see
you say you've got to drill me
and you let me kiss your gun
I have to clean your boots
in every way you like
you deny my human rights
you don't make it easy
And i am so down
so devoted and humbled to you
what more can a slave remain
before he floods away
Stand tight - all right
and assume the position - we all stand together
stand tight - all right
and assume the position - we all stand together
Stand tight - all right
- we all stand together
- all right
- we all stand together
- all right
- we all stand together
- all right
- we all stand together

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