Letra y Significado de HARD ATTACK, Accept

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In the heat of the night
you've pushed my juice to the limit
You slide so right
i know that you'ra going down
It's getting harder to breathe
you burn my bones with your fever
(i'm gonna get ya)
while you sleep
(i'm gonna wreck ya)
release your body heat
(i'm gonna get ya)
i know you're gonna come with me
I wanna be your
hard attack
hard attack
you gonna feel my hard attack
hard arrack
When you shiver and shake
i'm a man hell bent on a mission
We're doing it good
i'm a tiger on heat tonight
(i'm gonna get ya)
while you steep
(i'm gonna wreck ya)
release your body heat
(i'm gonna get ya)
i know you're gonna come with me

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Mas canciones de Accept con opiniones:
Significado de Balls To The Walls (1 opinión)
Significado de Midnight Mover (1 opinión)