Letra y Significado de FORGET MY NAME, A New Found Glory

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Tell all my friends I'm dead
I'm leaving you, this time its for good
tell all my friends that I'm dead
it won't be long before you forget my name

can you tell
that I'm losing myself
I think I'm trying too hard to
let it show
to let you know
Don't trace your footsteps back to me

cause I've been gone for a long time
waiting on the sidelines
hoping for a chance to play
well I thought I would never leave anything behind
I also never thought I'd say

tell all my friends I'm dead
I'm leaving you, this time its for good
tell all my friends that I'm dead
it won't be long before you forget my name

can you tell
that I don't know myself
I need someone to remind me
to let it go
please let me know
Don't trace your footsteps back to me

cause I've been gone for a long time
waiting on the sidelines
hoping for a chance to play
well I thought I would never leave anything behind
I also never thought I'd say

tell all my friends I'm dead
I'm leaving you, this time its for good
tell all my friends that I'm dead
it won't be long before you forget my name

and if I had the chance
to do it all again
I wouldn't expect anything less
and if I had the chance
to do it all again
I wouldn't expect
I wouldn't expect anything less

tell all my friends I'm dead
I'm leaving you, this time its for good
tell all my friends that I'm dead
it won't be long before you forget my name

forget my name
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