Letra y Significado de Smile Like You Mean It, The Killers

anonimo opina:

La letra de la canción trata sobre el paso del tiempo, de cómo nos podemos equivocar y cómo el tiempo no se detendrá solo por eso, aunque otra interpretación podría ser una relación vacía y sin futuro. Un claro ejemplo de como interpretamos la letra según nuestro estado de animo

Save some face, you know you've only got one
change your ways while you're young
boy, one day you'll be a man
oh girl, he'll help you understand
Smile like you mean it
smile like you mean it
Looking back at sunsets on the eastside
we lost track of the time
dreams aren't what they used to be
some things sat by so carelessly
Smile like you mean it
smile like you mean it
And someone is calling my name
from the back of the restaurant
and someone is playing a game
in the house that i grew up in
and someone will drive her around
down the same streets that i did
on the same streets that i did
Smile like you mean it
smile like you mean it
smile like you mean it
smile like you mean it
Oh no, oh no no no
oh no, oh no no no

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