Letra y Significado de The Outlaw Torn, Metallica

anonimo opina:

La letra de la canción trata principalmente de alguien que espera y busca a otra persona anhelada , sin encontrarla. Se muestra claramente influenciada por el blues, y es una de las canciones más entonadas vocalmente del disco .

And now i wait my whole lifetime for you
and now i wait my whole lifetime for you
i ride the dirt, i ride the tide for you
i search the outside, search inside for you
to take back what you left me
i know i'll always burn to be
the one who seeks so i may find
and now i wait my whole lifetime
outlaw of torn and i'm torn
so on i wait my whole lifetime for you
so on i wait my whole lifetime for you
the more i search, the more my need for you
the more i bless, the more i bleed for you
you make me smash the clock and feel
i'd rather die behind the wheel
time was never on my side
so on i wait my whole lifetime
outlaw of torn and i'm torn
*hear me
and if close my mind in fear
please pry it open
see me
and if my face becomes sincere
hold me
and when i start to come undone
stitch me together
save me
and when you see me strut
remind me of what left this outlaw torn

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