Letra y Significado de Never Say Good Bye, Jon Bon Jovi

guioteca opina:

Si se fijan en la letra, "Never say goodbye" se incrusta milimétricamente en nuestra cultura pop de hace 30 años, basadas en las historias del high-school, memorias de verano, traiciones y promesas de "no dejarte ir si me encuentro alguna vez en el camino contigo". Todo esto apoyado por un video clip más clásico que el de "I'll be there for you", con la típica grabación a estadio lleno con encendedores prendidos y mujeres llorando arriba de los hombros de su pololo, amigo o quien fuese.

As I sit in this Smokey room, the night about to end.

I pass my time with strangers,
but this bottle’s my only friend.

Remember when we used to park,
on Butler Street, out in the dark.

Remember when we lost the keys,
and you lost more than that in my backseat baby.
Remember how we used to talk, about busting out
we’d break their hearts.

Together - Forever. Never say goodbye, never say goodbye.
You and me and my old friends, hoping it would never end.
Say goodbye, never say goodbye.

Holding’ on we got to try, holding’ on to never say goodbye.
Remember days of skipping school, racing cars and being cool.
With a six pack and the radio, we didn’t need no place to go.

Remember at the prom that night, you and me we had a fight.
But the band it played our favorite song,
and I, held you in my arms so strong.

We danced so close, we danced so slow,
and I swore I’d never let you go.

Together - Forever. Never say goodbye, never say goodbye.
You and me and my old friends, hoping it would never end.
Say goodbye, never say goodbye.

Holding’ on we got to try, holding’ on to never say goodbye.
I guess you’d say, we used to talk,
about busting out - we’d break their hearts.

Together - Forever. Never say goodbye, never say goodbye.
You and me and my old friends, hoping it would never end.
Say goodbye, never say goodbye.
Holding’ on we got to try, holdin’on to never say goodbye.
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