Letra y Significado de Daddy, Korn

batanga opina:

La música de Korn puede ser perturbadora por muchas razones, pero la del tema Daddy es verdaderamente escalofriante. Principalmente porque se trata de la historia personal del cantante Jonathan Davis, de cómo fue abusado de pequeño y de cómo sus padres se negaron a encarar la situación. Es aterradora.

Mother please forgive me
i just had to get out all my pain and suffering
now that i am done, remember i will always love you
i'm your son
little child, looking so brave
come out and play, i'll be your daddy
innocent child, looking so sweet
i'll rape your mind and of your flesh i'll eat
you raped!
i feel dirty
it hurt!
as a child
tied down!
that's a good boy
and fuck!
your own child
i scream!
no one hears me
it hurt!
i'm not a liar
my god!
saw you watching
mommy why?!
your own child
it's alright
i didn't touch you there
mama said she didn't care
i didn't touch you there
that's why mama stopped and stared

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