Letra y Significado de Cult Of Personality, Living Colour

El Analista opina:

La canción es una evidente, pero irónicamente sutil, ofensa a las figuras políticas del mundo.

Si ponemos atención a la letra, nos daremos cuenta de la cantidad de políticos presentes en la canción. En ésta se hace referencia a las siguientes personas: Malcom X, John F. Kennedy?s, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Mahatma Gandhi. Todas importantes (no por definición buenas) figuras políticas en la historia de sus respectivos países.

Cult of personalityliving colour(v reid, c. glover, w. calhoun, m. skillings)look into my eyes, what do you see?cult of personalityi know your anger, i know your dreamsi've been everything you want to bei'm the cult of personalitylike mussolini and kennedyi'm the cult of personality cult of personality cult of personalityneon lights, a nobel pricethe mirror speaks, the reflection liesyou don't have to follow meonly you can set me freei sell the things you need to bei'm the smiling face on your t.v.i'm the cult of personalityi exploit you still you love mei tell you one and one makes threei'm the cult of personalitylike joseph stalin and gandhii'm the cult of personality cult of personality cult of personalityneon lights a nobel prizea leader speaks, that leader diesyou don't have to follow meonly you can set you freeyou gave me fortuneyou gave me fameyou me power in your god's namei'm every person you need to bei'm the cult of personality

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