Analogue Rock |
Anamorphose |
Anonymous Collective |
Au Grand Jour |
Avant Garde M.o.r. |
Blips Drips And Strips |
Blue Milk |
Caleidoscopic Gaze |
Come And Play In The Milky Night |
Contronatura |
Crest |
Des Étoiles Électroniques |
Doubt |
Emergency Kisses |
Emperor Tomato Ketchup |
Enivrez-vous |
Exploding Head Movie |
Extension Trip |
Farfisa |
Free Design |
French Disko |
Galaxidion |
Going Out Of My Way |
Harmonium |
High Expectation |
Incredible He-woman |
Infinity Girl |
International Colouring Contest |
Italian Shoes Continuum |
Jenny Ondioline |
John Cage Bubblegum |
K-stars |
Laisser-faire |
Les Yper-sound |
Lo Boob Oscillator |
Low Fi |
Mellotron |
Metronomic Underground |
Miss Modular |
Monstre Sacre |
Motoroller Scalatron |
Mountain |
Olv 26 |
Op Hop Detonation |
Orgiastic |
Our Trinitone Blast |
Outer Accelerator |
Pack Yr Romantic Mind |
Pause |
Peng! 33 |
People Do It All The Time |
Percolator |
Perversion |
Ping Pong |
Pop Quiz |
Puncture In The Radax Permutation |
Refractions In The Plastic Pulse |
Ronco Symphony |
Sadistic |
Seeperbold |
Slow Fast Hazel |
Space Moment |
Spark Plug |
Speedy Car |
Spiracles, The |
Strobo Acceleration |
Super Falling Star |
Super-electric |
Surrealchemist |
Tempter |
The Flower Called Nowhere |
The Groop Play Chord X |
The Light That Will Cease To Fail |
The Noise Of Carpet |
The Seeming And The Meaning * |
Three Longers Later |
Ticker-tape Of The Unconscious |
Tomorrow Is Already Here |
Transona Five |
Transporte Sans Bouger |
U.h.f. - Mfp |
Velvet Water |
Wow And Flutter |
You Little Shits |